Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Since I didn't really do the interview meme correctly last time, Florinda sent me some questions:

  1. What hobby or pastime that you don't seem to have time for anymore would you like to start up again? Singing, most definitely. Sure, I still sing in the car and in the house, but I miss singing in front of an audience.
  2. If you could only have ONE of the following: music, TV, books, or internet - which would it be, and why? Oh, this one is SO difficult. You all know how much I love these vices. If I had to choose, I would choose music because it's the one that can lift me out of a bad mood, and since Sondheim has all of life's answers, I think I could cope pretty well.
  3. What's on the menu for your last meal? (The foods can come from anywhere - six different restaurants, your late grandma's kitchen, a taco truck, etc.) A margarita from Caramba's in Alhambra, two tacos from that place on 19th street near downtown, a burger from Tommy's, a salad from Lucy's in Hollywood, my grandma's homemade tortillas, along with a popover or two made by my dad, and oh heck, throw in a pastry from Porto's!
  4. What does the title of your blog mean? It's a reminder to myself that it doesn't have to be all or nothing, in pretty much any aspect of life. For example, as a parent, I don't have to be all authoritarian or all permissive; I need to strike a balance. I need to balance the priorities of each of my girls as individuals, as well as my own. Life should be balanced/equal parts laughter and learning. Obsession is very rarely a good thing. I used to talk more about balance than I have lately. I should probably get back to that.
  5. If you could go back and give your eighteen-year-old self a few pieces of advice, what would you tell her? I had a chance to think about my 18-year-old self when I went on my cruise, since I turned 19 while working on a cruise ship all those moons ago. I certainly thought I knew a whole lot more than I actually did back then! But hey, that's youth, right? But back then, I didn't believe in balance at all. I believed in throwing myself fully and completely into everything. I've learned since then to back off a little bit. But I know my 18-yr-old self wouldn't have listened to such reason (and didn't). But I'm done beating myself up over the past. I lived life fully, and with that, came many mistakes, of course. But if I hadn't made all those mistakes, then there's no guarantee that I would have these daughters today. We don't ever really know what kind of consequences will come with certain decisions. I know now without a doubt that the decisions I made then led directly to my present, but there's no way my 18-year-old self would've seen that coming. And I would hate to say anything to her that might have stopped that chain of events, however painful some of them may have been.

Having said all that, however, I would probably tell her to avoid trying the cream and sugar with her coffee. Drinking it black was so much easier!

I don't think there's anyone left that hasn't answered interview questions, but if so, I'll provide some for you.


Suzie said...

Wow that is some last meal. Do you also have a last meal vomit in between to keep going? Hey its your last day why not

jenn said...

I like your answer to the last question. Maybe there is a reason we throw ourselves completely into everything when we're young. I was like that too.

Florinda said...

I'm so glad you let me interview you - I love your answers!

Shiona said...

Love Tommy's! This was a cool interview. Very great answers. I need to take that part about the past to heart b/c I am constantly dwelling on it...

Megkathleen said...

I think I would give my 18 year old self the same advice and, of course, I wouldn't have listened either.

Tara R. said...

Great answers. #3 made me very hungry, and I love your advice to an 18yo you.

I have actually managed to avoid the interview... I guess I've already given away all my secrets.

Anonymous said...

I would chose the internet! With internet access you can read books online, listen to music, watch recent episodes of your favorite shows? Oh, yes, internet. It's not like I'm addicted or anything.... I suppose this goes to question number 4 about balance. I could use some of that!

won said...


Can I have an invite to that last dinner??

FreedomFirst said...

I don't think I've answered interview questions yet. If you feel like sending some I'll answer them.

Jeff and Charli Lee said...

Considering I plan to be over 100 when I die, I'd say my last meal will probably be applesauce.