Monday, March 9, 2009

Pink Friday

This seems to be an event for Californians, but I see no reason that the sentiment can't be expressed nationwide.

Wear pink on Friday to show your support for your local public schools.

From the website:

California's public schools, colleges and universities are facing more than $11 billion in state budget cuts. These cuts are going to impact an entire generation of kids and alter public education for years to come.

March 13 is the deadline for school districts to issue preliminary pink slips to California's teachers. Last year, more than 10,000 teachers got pink slips and nearly 5,000 lost their jobs. And this year could be much worse.

Please join us on Friday, March 13 and Stand Up for Schools.


Mark said...

It is so hard to believe that we would cut spending on education. I could so other cuts that would make much more sense. The government would be better off cutting commercials on how to eat better or to put down the video game and go out and play. We are so short sighted! Ugh!

Julie@My5monkeys said...

I know...educations cuts...why not other stuff to cut. I'll wear pink that day.

FreedomFirst said...

I can't believe they are willing to do that. Why not send all the lawmakers home for a year without pay? The state would probably run much better without them anyway.

Even though I don't actually live in Philly, I'm furious over Mayor Nutter's first cuts. He started off his budget by closing several fire stations, libraries, and public pools. What is wrong with him? They want to cut crime, right? Now the kids who actually DO want to make something of themselves will have nothing to do. Pathetic. It makes no sense at all to close libraries when the crime rate is through the roof.

Unknown said...

Wow...actually reading those numbers is insane. Hey, I'll wear some pink on Friday in support from Canada :)

jenn said...

I'll try to wear pink too (if I can find something pink). I haven't heard about this around here, but we're quite a ways from CA.

Normally I wouldn't ask, but I would love it if you could take a minute to stop by my blog. I have a question for all the single moms and I would love to get your opinion. Thanks.