Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quick and Dirty Update

So my fever continued to rise throughout most of the weekend. On Saturday, with a fever of 104, I was sort of wishing my head would explode. I'm finally almost normal again - although my aversion to coffee assures me that I'm not quite "normal" yet. At least Riley's feeling better, and Sylvia never got sick.

My first article is up at Examiner.

My Reader stands at over 1000. I'm not going to get to all those.


jenn said...

I say delete everything on your reader and start over. I've been deleting all day. I'm behind on my reading too.

Feel better.

Don Mills Diva said...

Don't worry about your reader, just take care of yourself April.

MindyMom said...

Feel better soon. I'll go check out your Examiner post now. ;)

Kori said...

LOVE that Mark All As Read button!

FreedomFirst said...

Bummer. :( I'm glad you're feeling better now.

dadshouse said...

Congrats on the Examiner gig! Hope you feel better soon.

Loth said...

Poor soul, hope you are feeling 100% soon. If I have the honour of being in your reader, you can ignore my entries with a clear conscience - I've been wittering about toast and The Apprentice (UK version) - eminently miss-able!!

Tara R. said...

MAAR... sometimes it just has to be done. I hope you're feeling better fast. Congrats on the Examiner gig!

Anonymous said...

Yay for the Examiner! I just made you a penny :)

won said...

Wow...last title says "I'm fine thanks" then this post telling about the fever.

Maybe the next title should say "I never win the lottery."

Glad you're on the mend. Must've been tough to be mom when so sick!

Shiona said...

Glad you're starting to feel better. Your health is more important than the Reader. We understand :)

Dingo said...

Sylvia must have super-immunity. That will come in handy when the zombie plague takes over the world. In other news, feel better soon!