Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Setback, but not the End

Join the 1 Million for Marriage Equality

I can't rant today. If I think about this too much, I'll become a bawling mess, and I can't be a bawling mess today.


Julie@My5monkeys said...
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Jen said...

So depressing.

Tara R. said...

I had hoped that Prop 8 would be repealed. I also hope the fight for what is right continues.

Julie said...

I honestly CANNOT believe that the supreme court upheld prop 8.

I really think that Prop 8 passed in the first place because there were so many ignorant voters. I met many people who had no idea that the pre-prop 8 status quo was legal gay marriage. I can't tell you how many people thought that "yes" on prop 8 would be maintaining what they thought was status quo. If they had realized the error in their thoughts, they would have realized that legal gay marriage wasn't hurting anyone or resulting in all those situations pro-prop 8 campaigns were using as scare tactics. I guess I was hoping the Supreme Court would realize that there was ignorance among some of the voters, and undo the consequences of their ignorance. (Disclaimer: Of course I don't believe, and I'm definitely not saying, that ALL California voters were ignorant when voting on prop 8.)

April, your passion and dedication is amazing, respectable, and admirable. Thank you for being you. I believe that things WILL change... I just hope it's sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT give up or in...it WILL CHANGE...it will take time, but it WILL change.

Single Mom Seeking said...

Thank you for having the gets to come out and speak your mind on your blog. Glad to know that I'm not alone on this one...