Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday (already!) Fragments

Mrs. 4444 brings us Friday Fragments to bring some normalcy to this crazy time.

***It looks like Dec. 26 will be our Broadway day in NY. We just purchased our tickets to see In the Heights at the matinee, and then we're probably seeing Bye Bye Birdie that night. I love that phrase: Broadway day in NY!!

***I cannot believe it's Friday already. This week has been super busy at work, but really good.

***I got to spend last Saturday night with some of the LA Moms, playing Trivial Pursuit on Wii and hanging out. I love these women. They always make me think, make me laugh, and make me feel a part of a community.

***We had the PTA meeting Tuesday night. I've decided it's not the kids who need the routine as much as I do. I enjoy the meetings and the people there, but it still feels like I've been playing catch-up for the rest of the week at home.

***I discovered that there are 5 paychecks this month - woo hoo! More $$ for NY!

***This weekend, the only thing on our agenda (yay!) is a bday party for one of my high school friends that I've reconnected with thanks to FB. This will be a family party, so I'm excited to meet her kids, and for her to meet mine. We had lunch a few months ago, and it was so great to spend time with her again. I think there will be quite a few of us from LACHSA, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

***I generally like Glee to have a musical number before they show the title, so I was getting very impatient when the show went through two segments with NO song, but they certainly made up for it! That was a great episode!

***Sylvia and I had a major text fight about the fact that I waited for her to come back to the Club from a field trip for an HOUR until I finally heard from her that she wasn't due back for another 30 minutes. As I said, schedules/routines are important.

***It is getting harder and harder to keep track of where she is. She has so many field trips, performances, rehearsals, it's starting to get out of hand. I think I'll make it her responsibility to start putting them in my phone because not all the slips of paper are getting inputted into my Bberry.

***I'd rather text-fight than argue in person. Since it takes so long to type, there's less opportunity to say something you'll regret.

***I think I'm all out of frags...


Cat said...

Glee was AMAZING this week. Loved it!!

Broadway- hooray!!

Kori said...

I still haven't seen glee. Or the Daily show. Or....well. I know what channel The Cake Boss is on, and wheel of fortune; does that count? At all? For anything?

I am glad for you that you are going on the trip to NY; you deserve it, and you are going to have such a great time! I am excited to hear how the girls like it, too.

MindyMom said...

Text-fighting IS better! I found myself composing an email response on my Bberry the other day - while pms-ing no less - and then before I hit send I deleted the stuff should have. ;) It's a really good way to self-edit.

Have a great weekend, April!

Florinda said...

"Bye Bye Birdie" was the school musical my sophomore year - fun show, and sure to be much better on Broadway!

I read about the Trivial Pursuit party on Sarah's blog - wish I'd have known about it! I'm meeting up with some of my book-blogging buds tomorrow, but miss seeing my LA Moms friends.

Enjoy your weekend!

won said...

I remember the days of counting paychecks in each month. I think I actually had the months marked!

I'm glad yours fell during this holiday/trip month. Great timing there!

Stacy Uncorked said...

A Broadway Day in NY would be exciting! And discovering you have 5 paychecks for the month of December to help out your trip expenses is awesome! :)

I haven't seen Glee yet - guess I better get crackin'! :)

Text fighting would be better than in-person fighting. When Princess Nagger gets to the text age, it should prove to be very interesting... ;)

Happy FF a day late! :)

Kristin - The Goat said...

I have watched Glee on my computer - the first episode - I love it and haven't been able to remember long enough to continue to watch it.

I love Facebook. :) We just had our 25th HS reunion and it was a blast because we had already reconnected a bit through FB.

I love third paycheck months :) Have fun in NY!

Unknown said...

I'm so stoked for your NY trip. Every time I see images of the city on TV or through my blog travels, I think o of you and your girls and the magic you guys are going to experience.

Mrs4444 said...

You're funny. :) Our family uses It's an on-line calendar that we can all access whenever we need to. Kendall puts all of her stuff on there for me (choir stuff, musical rehearsals, etc.) It's very easy to use and has been 100% reliable.

You're going to have so much fun in NY!!! It's going to be here before you know it, too.

Shiona said...

I have done that same thing as far as text fighting. It really is a better way to get your point across.

I'm getting excited about NY too and I'm not even going. I hope you all have a lot of fun as others have said you all deserve it. Definitely something to look forward to after the situation with X.

jenn said...

You're a Glee fan too? I love Glee. I'm ready for next season already.