Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up

By the time I get used to 5-day workweeks again, it'll be time for the 3-day President's Day weekend!

We had our PTA meeting last week, and I'm excited that we're planning two fundraisers that actually aren't for our children. One will be a Hop for Haiti jump-a-thon, and the jog-a-thon will benefit Children's Hospital. I'm glad that we're still doing them, despite being told that the District's budget for the next school year is $6 million short, and more pink slips will be given. The CA PTA is planning a rally at the Capitol to coincide with this year's convention. I won't be going, and while I applaud their efforts, at the same time, I am growing more and more concerned about how much focus is being turned away from the actual education of our children.

The dreaded diorama is due, and Riley's initial excitement has completely worn off, especially after seeing some of her classmates turn them in early. She feels she can't compete with their work (and part of me wonders how much is actually their work and how much parental involvement some really had) and, given my dislike for the assignment in the first place, I'm finding it really hard to care.

The girls have spent most of Sunday afternoon writing a script. While it's not their school work, I'd rather support those efforts. They want to write, they want to create, and they are working together. Given how often 'sibling rivalry' can describe their relationship, I don't really want to interrupt their efforts right now.

Yesterday, we had our second family trip to DreamDinners. I was going to Whrrl it, but we ended up arriving late because when we went down to the apartment building's parking garage, we found it flooded!

They've been doing construction at the end of our street. Turns out the workers plugged up the drain, and all the rain we had on Friday was being housed by our garage!

A kind neighbor got the car out of the muck for us so we could even get to DreamDinners. The water is now almost completely gone, thank goodness!

Something else happened this week that I can't really talk about here, but I'd also feel remiss if I said nothing at all. A friendship came to a close. I know there are always at least 3 sides to every story, so I won't say that it was my fault or their fault or no one's, even. It just is. And it's sad, mostly because it feels inevitable, and I wish I could have thought of another way. I'm hoping that time will bring about some clarity to the issue for me, but right now, I'm just sad about it.

Sylvia also encountered some sadness this week. She experienced her first theatrical rejection. Her solo did not get picked for this year's talent show. I was really proud of how she took it. She said she went and cried in the girls' bathroom for a little while and she texted me with the news and a ":(", and then remembered all of the other things she'll get to perform. She had even told me after the call-back that she didn't do that well so I think she might have been a little prepared for it. She handled it like a pro.

Oh, and to end on something completely superficial (but fun), we went to lunch on Friday to celebrate a colleague's birthday, and who ends up sitting at the table next to us but Ben Stiller! The food was really good, too.


Florinda said...

Oh, a celebrity sighting! One of the things that makes living in LA unique (and is far less common that non-LA people might think it is).

Better luck next time for Sylvia. Sounds like she took it well, though.

I'm sorry about your loss. I'm sure it wasn't an easy call for you to make, but sadly, sometimes relationships (of ALL kinds) just don't work any more.

Have a good week!

MindyMom said...

Sorry about the friendship ending. It happens.

Otherwise it sounds like a great week. Can't believe the flooding thing. Weird.

Danielle said...

Sorry about your friendship. I just posted something similar.

Sounds like your daughter is very well rounded and handled rejection wonderfully. Good job mom!

Anonymous said...

You should be proud of how your daughter took the news! That is great.

As to the whole diarama thing - think of it this way. Someday in a job they are going to be asked to do pointless shit that is stupid. They are going to have to do it anyways. Just part of life.

won said...

I'm sorry about your friendship loss and Sylvia not getting the role she wanted.

Loss is loss, and it hurts.

Cat said...

I'm sorry about the friendship, and about Sylvia's rejection. Sounds like she handled it gracefully though.

How awesome is it that they're writing a script together?

jenn said...

Sorry about the friendship. I've been there too and it sucks.

Also sorry about Sylvia's rejection, but I'm glad she took it so well.

How cool to see Ben Stiller! I don't think I've seen any celebrities, unless you count Ralphie May (comedian). I saw him at a Predator's hockey game.