Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up of my week alone

The girls are heading home soon, and I can't wait to see them.

It was really great to have this week by myself. I got some real quality time alone. I accomplished stuff around the house that seem almost impossible to do when the girls are here, I went out a couple of times and had a blast, and I communicated with the girls via text and phone calls multiple times every day. It was a very productive week.

I think my parents are exhausted, though. 7 days is an awfully long time, and I don't think they'll volunteer to take them on vacation for this long again. Still, I think soon enough, they will all look back and focus their memories on the good times.

I have more energy than I have in a long time. The day to day struggles of waking kids up, arguing over the little things, sibling rivalry, emotional outbursts just weren't there to exhaust me.

I think knowing there was end to it helped me enjoy it. If I were reaching empty nester status, I probably would've felt lost.

And now, I admit, I'm ready to get back to the mayhem and chaos and snuggles and laughter.


BigLittleWolf said...

I am so rarely alone (like never) that to have had these many weeks without kids was very strange initially. Then I got used to it. And now, it's wonderful having them back home. One will leave again in 3 weeks to go back to school, and the other, though 17, comes with a great deal of "infrastructure" support.

I got to enjoy my time alone (I stayed extremely busy), but I must admit I love the sound of my kids laughing, even with the extra work and commotion that comes along. Mayhem. Perfect word for it.

Tara R. said...

I think the adage 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' is right. Sometimes you all just need time apart, time to decompress. Enjoy your reunion.

Danielle said...

I bet you feel refreshed. And you are right, it is easy to realx and enjoy when you know there is an end to it and it is not forever.