Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happily Singled Resources

Over the years, I've found some great blogs and sites* that celebrate being single all year long: 

Onely - Lisa and Christina graciously took the helm of National Unmarried and Singles Week this year, and have also started an Open Salon for onelies.

Bella DePaulo is the nation's foremost expert on single issues. I'm honored to call her my friend. Her book Singled Out is phenomenal. Her Psychology Today blog is one of the first I found that opened my world, and she's also started another site, All Things Single.

First Person Singular has nice, bite-sized looks at the singular life.

The Spinsterlicious Life usually says what I want to say, but nicer.

I love Isaa's Your Single Parenting site, as well as her personal blog, Single Mama NYC. Every Sunday, she features a different single mom blog.

As I've mentioned previously, BigLittleWolf is a constant source of inspiration and hope for me.

I'm a member of the FootlooseFemails group (yes, gents, only ladies allowed on this one).

Bella, being the expert and all, is compiling a more in-depth list of singles sites and blogs.  She also brought to our attention this NY Times article on singles.

*Partial listing only.


Samantha said...

This is a great list of resources for us single moms. I plan to check them all out.

If you want to add another single mom site to your resource list check out http://richsinglemomma.com. It's all about personal finance, positive parenting, and personal development.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this! I'm enjoying your blog as well!

All the best,

Laura Roe Stevens, also a single mom