Thursday, October 20, 2011

Me and B

Mama’s Losin’ It

Writing prompt I chose:

4.) Share the story behind your current Facebook and/or Twitter profile photo.

That's me and B.

We met a little over 8 years ago, and she quickly became part of our chosen family. Sylvia has described B as her "other mom." B's that kind of lady; looks out for everyone.

She has cancer. She's been fighting it for a year now. She had two cancer-free months this summer, and then, the bitch was back.

When she was diagnosed, I made a Locks of Love donation in her name. My hair's not long enough to do it again just yet (though I will continue to grow it out and donate again...and again and again for as long as I can). I'm not smart enough to cure cancer, so what could I do? I could change my profile pic. Stupid, I know, but it was something. A way to send a message to her and all of our mutual friends that she's on my mind all the time.

Plus, this happens to be one of the few pics of myself I actually like. It's because she's making me smile as usual, feeling the warmth of her love, and all the support she's given me and my family through the years. And she looks great, doesn't she?

We were at a fundraiser (because that's B; always giving back) with a 20's theme. We drank and laughed a lot that night. Most of our memories together are of drinks and laughter, tears and laughter, hugs and laughter. B is always love and laughter.

B, I love you.


Suniverse said...

What a touching tribute. I think it's a great picture of you both.

Sending good thoughts to all of you.

Minivan Mama said...

Sounds like a beautiful friendship!

Cam | Bibs and Baubles said...

that's an awesome tribute! so sweet. Best wishes to B!

Arnebya said...

How beautiful. I love knowing the story behind a photo. And this one is warming.

Karen said...

I think changing your Facebook profile pic to show support of a loved one is exactly that...supportive. I know it can sound silly, but I get it. When my best friend's grandmother passed, I changed my usually constant pic to one of the two of us, just to show support. And messaged to say she knew that's why I had done it. Thanks for sharing B and your friendship with us. :>

Jackie said...

That's a great picture of you two. And it's absolutely wonderful that you have such a great friendship.