Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Inevitable Thanksgiving Post (2012 edition)

In one of my classes, we were discussing Guardianships, and she showed us a sample of a form that a legal guardian must fill out once per year as an added measure to ensure the guardian continues to act in the child's best interest.

The form includes things like last immunizations, school of attendance, average grades...stuff every parent would (or should know), but then the instructor pointed out some questions she thought some parents would find hard to answer. In particular, "what are your goals for the child in the coming year?"

I may have given up my mommy blogger label, but I remain grateful for this blog and the opportunity to not just think about such things, but actually write about them. I am grateful for the blogs I read that think about parenthood on this level.

I am grateful that even though I may not be as active in this community as I used to be, I am still part of this community. I am grateful to feel connected to bloggers.

And, because I'm me, I just have to include my "official" Thanksgiving song:

Happy Turkey Lurkey Time! 

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