I suppose an update is in order. I am happily single again! As one friend put it, relationships - for the most part - result in a net negative. That sums it up for me.
I am also down to serving on just one Board.
I'm in downgrade mode because I want to actually enjoy my life, my loved ones and my activities to a more satisfying degree.
Sylvia is a senior this year. I have moved past denial and total freak-out and am in "just deal" mode at the moment. We have our good days and our bad days as I believe she is also in the "just deal" mode.
Riley is a freshman in high school. Most days, all is well. Some days, not so much.
I want to be there for both of them. Breathe through the bad, and enjoy the good. They are my first priority.
I want to be available to my friends. And I
This summer, for a variety of reasons, was one of the most stressful in a very long time. I'm ready for fall.
I've been focusing on being quiet, on being still. I want to get back into blogging so that I can remember to step back and get the perspective that this activity gave me.
And as usual, chase that ever-elusive balance.